No 49 North Street Terrace - then and now

The double fronted house on the left hand side of the terrace that was saved from demolition by public protest in April 2002 is No 49, the largest of four houses in the row. This picture was taken circa 1920 by local photographer William Redshaw. His granddaughter, Mrs Heather Nash, of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, who provided the photograph from the Brake family album, was born in the house in 1931 and lived there for eighteen years with her parents and three sisters and she remembers it with affection.

- 1920 -

After refurbishment in 2004

- 2004 -

The terrace has recently been rebuilt and all of the houses sold. The development is one of the most sympathetic to the Bourne street scene of recent years because it retains the red brick facade that was so familiar during the 19th an early 20th centuries. The builders have also added an additional terrace of properties on the south side, also finished in the same materials of red brick and blue slate.

See also William Redshaw